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There is no escape from your depression. It will follow you and your ancestors until your bloodline purges itself. I am still surviving on the misery of my ancestors: the ones that threw themselves overboard and the ones that tried to run North. That is what it meant to be black in America then, and that's what it will always mean. Einstein said that insanity was doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Niggas are still selling out and killing niggas and wonder why we still haven't gotten our 40 acres. The sanity doesn't come for the insane, but insanity will always find the sane. Living in this world will drive you crazy, and death will find you after you swallow enough of your saliva over time. It doesn't get better, but when you think that it has you will realize that you are right back where you started. Your depression brings you right back to the beginning, and he wonders why he's never been with a black girl before. 

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